Today is the day that we get to hear what we’ll be paying for electricity – the new tariffs could be an increase of as much as 54%. On Monday the Leader of the ANC Youth League told a gathering that if the President of the ANC is charged with corruption (guilty or not), the youth of this land must take up arms to “enforce the revolution.” Interest rates were hiked by another 50 basis points last weeks. Robert Mugabe has said that he will not accept the outcome of the Zimbabwe presidential elections if he loses, and is prepared to go to war to protect his position. Our South African counterpart doesn’t seem to have the balls to take a stand on the issue. Fuel will increase again next month.
It seems as if we’re spiralling into an ever increasing darkness of hopelessness.
It seems that the country is shell-shocked, unsure or unable to respond articulately to the crisis. Yet, every single day I hear masses of people silently crying out, “Give us some hope! Give me some good news. I need some hope!”
I wish I had a bigger stage from which I could proclaim: “THERE IS GOOD NEWS! THERE IS HOPE!”
Promises have been made before, and promises have been broken. So you will have good reason to doubt my claim of good news. Except, it’s not my claim. It’s a claim made by the one person in history who has never broken a promise – is unable to break a promise.
Did you read the scripture I put on the cover?
Psalm 42:11 – “Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God, and once again I will praise him, my saviour and my God.”
Come with me, and let’s check out the good news God promises.
In Psalm 23:1 David says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”
You need to understand the context of this statement. The sheep never worry about the next day. The simply trust the shepherd to supply their every need. They somehow understand that the shepherd is in control. When was the last time you saw of flock of rebel sheep in a trade union meeting discussing a strike, or demanding a wage increase, because the future looked bleak and they were unsure of the shepherds ability to provide???
Friend, I need you to know that God created provision even before a need existed!
Matthew 6:8 – “Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
It seems that the country is shell-shocked, unsure or unable to respond articulately to the crisis. Yet, every single day I hear masses of people silently crying out, “Give us some hope! Give me some good news. I need some hope!”
I wish I had a bigger stage from which I could proclaim: “THERE IS GOOD NEWS! THERE IS HOPE!”
Promises have been made before, and promises have been broken. So you will have good reason to doubt my claim of good news. Except, it’s not my claim. It’s a claim made by the one person in history who has never broken a promise – is unable to break a promise.
Did you read the scripture I put on the cover?
Psalm 42:11 – “Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God, and once again I will praise him, my saviour and my God.”
Come with me, and let’s check out the good news God promises.
In Psalm 23:1 David says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”
You need to understand the context of this statement. The sheep never worry about the next day. The simply trust the shepherd to supply their every need. They somehow understand that the shepherd is in control. When was the last time you saw of flock of rebel sheep in a trade union meeting discussing a strike, or demanding a wage increase, because the future looked bleak and they were unsure of the shepherds ability to provide???
Friend, I need you to know that God created provision even before a need existed!
Matthew 6:8 – “Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
I cannot but place my hope in what God has promised. If I don’t put my hope in God’s promises, then where can I put my hope? My bank manager? Politicians? The international community? A rich, unknown uncle who may leave me his millions? Somehow, I don’t think so.
So, I choose to put my hope in God, who has also promised,
Philippians 4:19 – “My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.”
I can’t speak for you, but my hope is firmly planted in what God has promised. Quite frankly, that doesn’t only seem to be my best hope, but my only hope!
Now, I can’t promise that in these times of difficulty, you may not have to sell your house or car in order to downscale, or have to cut back in many other areas, but I can promise that when all is said and done, you will look back and see that God never deserted you.
He never abandoned or left you. But all the way through He remained faithful. When times get tough and difficult, be assured, He is there, sorting out EVERYTHING to work in your favour. If may not seem like it at the time. But it will. It always does!
Psalm 37:25 – “I once was young, now I'm a greybeard - not once have I seen an abandoned believer, or his kids out roaming the streets.”
So, I choose to put my hope in God, who has also promised,
Philippians 4:19 – “My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.”
I can’t speak for you, but my hope is firmly planted in what God has promised. Quite frankly, that doesn’t only seem to be my best hope, but my only hope!
Now, I can’t promise that in these times of difficulty, you may not have to sell your house or car in order to downscale, or have to cut back in many other areas, but I can promise that when all is said and done, you will look back and see that God never deserted you.
He never abandoned or left you. But all the way through He remained faithful. When times get tough and difficult, be assured, He is there, sorting out EVERYTHING to work in your favour. If may not seem like it at the time. But it will. It always does!
Psalm 37:25 – “I once was young, now I'm a greybeard - not once have I seen an abandoned believer, or his kids out roaming the streets.”
This is a time to be bold, strong, and courageous, my friends! This is a time for you and I to be bearers of good news and hope to the multitudes who are crying for it. DO NOT be a participant in BAD NEWS stories! Simply steer people’s hope in the right direction. It’s going to make you feel pretty good for having made a difference.
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