Let’s face it: It’s difficult for most of us to measure up. In every area of life there is a constant pressure on us to have to perform! And the more we focus on the world’s standards and values, the more miserable we feel about ourselves.
But here’s some good news for YOU today!!! God has a different system. And if your faith is in Him, you can find some relief right now. God talks about the worth of an individual. His words are really good news to those of us who will never be fashion models, participate in the Olympic Games, become billionaires (although I’ll never give up hoping on this one!), or receive awards from the president.
Christ told his followers not to be afraid of those who attack a person physically, because the attackers cannot touch h a person’s soul. He explained that even though a little bird might be sold for 2c, not one bird can fall to the ground without God knowing it. “So don’t be afraid,” he said, “you are worth more than many little birds” (Matthew 10:31). The Greek word translated “you are worth more” is from the verb diaphero, which literally means “to excel, to be highly valued.”
Now think about this: If God knows the destinies of every single little bird (even though it’s worth no more than 2c), and He cares for every one of them, we can feel pretty good about ourselves, knowing He cares much more about us. If our sense of self-worth comes from God, we don’t have to worry what the world thinks of us or does to us. The fact that God sent His Son to die for you, should be an overwhelming confirmation and affirmation of your worth!
The problem comes when we start comparing ourselves by the world’s standards and rely on our own efforts to measure up. Stay focused on God and the value He has given you – you have been made in His image, and you have been reconciled to Him by the wonderful blood of Jesus.
In the Creator’s value system, you never, ever, have to feel disappointed if you can’t measure up to the world’s expectations. You are valuable! So go ahead, sigh that great sigh of relief right now. Relax, and allow yourself to feel good abut yourself.
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